Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nathan's accident.. Lovely.

I got off work early yesterday just to find out that Nathan had been rock climbing and twisted his ankle. Lovely. He was climbing at the gym and landed funny half on and half off the mat from high up on the wall. Nothing is broken but we will have to take him in for an MRI to see if he needs surgery. Nathan is also lucky enough to be working 70 hours a week for a couple months so he will be on his feet. also Lovely. Pray for him. He will be hurting.


Zabriskie Family said...

Hope all goes well with his MRI. Other than the whole leg thing I hope everything is going good for you guys.

The Rich Family said...

Sorry to hear about his ankle, no fun at all. I hope everything turns out fine and that no surgery is necessary.

Bodacious Barlows said...

Sorry Nathan, That sounds like a doozey! I hope it's not too painful and that the MRI doesn't show anything. Surgery is never fun. Hey, at least you have a cute and awesome wife who will take good care of you!

Anonymous said...

HI! Good to hear from you! I didn't know you had a blog!

P.S You have the cutest dog I have ever seen!!!

Bryce and Kellee Orrock said...

Poor Nathan...